Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Looks Like I'll Live for Awhile!

I had a physical today- one of those things you should do every so often just to check things out. The results? Well, "You're a healthy woman" the doctor said...all looks good over all but the areas of concern are...

Bad cholesterol is high...good cholesterol is high...which makes the ratio in the "good" range, so we're not worried...BUT (the ever famous word) we would really like the bad cholesterol level to go down SO...you need to go on a low cholesterol diet (WeightWatcher type) and re-check the blood work in 3 months. Keep walking (although the walking has not helped me lose weight-frustrating), that's what he's attributing the high level of good cholesterol to, so keep that up.

For my children's information, high cholesterol is on my mom's side- she has had to take meds for quite awhile; high blood pressure is present in my dad, was in Grandpa James, and as well as your own dad- who takes blood pressure and cholesterol reducing meds.

Oh and maybe lose 20 pounds in the process. So, his suggestion was to have Cheerios for breakfast, main meal mid-day, then fruits/veggies for dinner. We'll see what I can do to make it more exciting!

Then next "good news" was that it's that time in my life when I get to have the baseline colonoscopy- my ob-gyn has already told me to get one done as his mother died of colon cancer. This Dr. said that his baseline caught benign polups (sp?) that if they hadn't been caught and removed, would have become cancerous within 5 years. So that's next in the medical line up for this 50 year old body!

At home, I've selected a new yard service (fertilizer/weed) company to take care of the nutrient needs of the yard and have been doing quite a bit of yard work. Nothing too noticeable at this time except that I'm re-lining the front beds as the shade from our trees and the neighbor's trees are shading and killing the bermuda grass. Love the daylight savings time and warmer weather- I have time to work, get home, walk and do some yard work before dark!

Guess that's it...

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