Sunday, March 18, 2007

Great Walk Today!

I had a great walk to day- Went to the park and enjoyed the beautiful day and walked the 2.2 loop three times- I think I wore Jesse out! He was looking at me like I was crazy when I headed around the third time! My Ipod froze so my walk was not recorded- oh well, but I did it and although it took me 1 1/2 hours to go the distance (6.6 miles) I thought I'd give it a try since I (gulp) sent in my registration to walk in the Peachtree Road Race! YIKES! We'll see if I can make it and really do it!

Thomas returned safely from Guatemala, Susanna should be back in Boone any minute, and she had a good visit with Carlos, so all is going well. I worked in the yard all day yesterday getting some things cleaned and straightened- more to do but at least I can still move today!

Little Claire will be one year old next weekend! Amazing how the time goes by...


Rebecca said...

I've been trying to think of what Claire wants for her birthday and it's hard! We are planning to get her a Baby Einstein DVD. There's nothing that sticks out to me that she particularly needs. I wish I could think of any suggestions! My mom asked the same question so I'm stumped. It's tempting to say that she wants a Starbuck's Gift Card, but I guess Steven and I won't stoop quite that low. ;-)

Patti said...

Hmm, I'll have to do some "look-shopping" to see what I can find! Starbuck's gift card? Well, she would enjoy that indirectly but she also may stay up a little later- would end up being a mixed blessing, maybe! I may have to see what I can find that she doesn't really need- aren't Nanas and Grannys supposed to spoil their grandchildren- at least a little? :)